Group Matwork Pilates Classes

Beginner Level & Back Care
A gentle matwork Pilates class for all adults wishing to learn the key fundamentals of the Pilates method, with a focus on spinal mobility and stretching to relieve tension. The sessions include work on all positions but these can be modified to include participants with temporary injuries or those with restricted movement.
Participants who suffer with osteopenia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal disc problems, spinal injury and chronic pain will be given modifications to suit their needs. The pace is moderately slow to allow time to practise and understand the essence of each exercise, using correct alignment and breath work during practice. Each session starts with a warming up phase, a main section and a cooling down phase.
This is the ideal starting point if you have not done Pilates before or if you have any spinal problems or other joint issues. With continuation you can expect to improve strength and stability and to gain better results on balance and a stronger back.
Book in advance to guarantee a space.
Please note that a no cancellation policy applies.